Postcode Van Kinsbergenstraat in Apeldoorn

In search for the postcode of Van Kinsbergenstraat? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Van Kinsbergenstraat in Apeldoorn. Van Kinsbergenstraat is a street in the place Apeldoorn within the municipality Apeldoorn in the province Gelderland. Van Kinsbergenstraat has the postcode number 7311 and is located in the neighbourhood Binnenstad within the district Centrum.

Overview Postcodes Van Kinsbergenstraat

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Van Kinsbergenstraat in Apeldoorn.

postcode street house numbers
7311BL Van Kinsbergenstraat 1 t/m 19
7311BM Van Kinsbergenstraat 2 t/m 24

Postcodes and streets at Van Kinsbergenstraat in Apeldoorn

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Van Kinsbergenstraat.

More about Van Kinsbergenstraat

Van Kinsbergenstraat is a street in the place Apeldoorn within the municipality Apeldoorn of the province Gelderland. Van Kinsbergenstraat is 1 of the 1 227 streets in Apeldoorn. Van Kinsbergenstraat knows 2 postcodes of the total 3 939 postcodes that Apeldoorn has.

Van Kinsbergenstraat is located in the neighbourhood Binnenstad within the district Centrum. This neighbourhood has a total of 175 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 3 230 households with 4 900 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Van Kinsbergenstraat is 055.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Apeldoorn
place: Apeldoorn
district: Centrum
neighbourhood: Binnenstad
postcode number: 7311
area code: 055

Stations and supermarkets Van Kinsbergenstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Van Kinsbergenstraat

stations Van Kinsbergenstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Van Kinsbergenstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Apeldoorn Stationsplein 8A 7311NZ 1.16 km
Station Klarenbeek Heideparkweg 3 7382BD 15.4 km
Station Klarenbeek Hoofdweg 3 7382BD 15.4 km
Station Olst Stationsweg 3 8121CL 21.59 km
Station Deventer Stationsplein 5 7411HB 22.76 km

supermarkets Van Kinsbergenstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Van Kinsbergenstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Deventerstraat 10 7311BJ 0.21 km
Boni Asselsestraat 101 7311EG 0.77 km
Aldi Koninginnelaan 42 7315BT 1.14 km
Albert Heijn to go Stationsplein 8 7311NZ 1.16 km
Dekamarkt Havikstraat 19 7331CK 1.33 km
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