Postcode Hegdambroek in Nijmegen

In search for the postcode of Hegdambroek? There are 25 postcodes linked to the street Hegdambroek in Nijmegen. Hegdambroek is a street in the place Nijmegen within the municipality Nijmegen in the province Gelderland. Hegdambroek has the postcode number 6546 and is located in the neighbourhood 't Broek within the district Wijk 08 Lindenholt.

Overview Postcodes Hegdambroek

There are 25 postcodes belonging to the street Hegdambroek in Nijmegen.

postcode street house numbers
6546VC Hegdambroek 1001 t/m 1039
6546VD Hegdambroek 1002 t/m 1086
6546VE Hegdambroek 1101 t/m 1118
6546VG Hegdambroek 1201 t/m 1217
6546VH Hegdambroek 1202 t/m 1218
6546VJ Hegdambroek 1301 t/m 1325
6546VK Hegdambroek 1302 t/m 1316
6546VN Hegdambroek 1501 t/m 1525
6546VR Hegdambroek 1502 t/m 1544
6546VS Hegdambroek 1601 t/m 1617
6546VT Hegdambroek 1600 t/m 1640
6546VV Hegdambroek 1701 t/m 1741
6546VW Hegdambroek 1743 t/m 1753
6546VX Hegdambroek 1702 t/m 1728
6546VZ Hegdambroek 1730 t/m 1762
6546WB Hegdambroek 2001 t/m 2011
6546WD Hegdambroek 2102 t/m 2144
6546WE Hegdambroek 2203 t/m 2221
6546WG Hegdambroek 2202 t/m 2214
6546WH Hegdambroek 2303 t/m 2315
6546WJ Hegdambroek 2302 t/m 2308
6546WK Hegdambroek 2401 t/m 2421
6546WL Hegdambroek 2402 t/m 2440
6546WN Hegdambroek 2501 t/m 2511
6546WP Hegdambroek 2502 t/m 2582

Postcodes and streets at Hegdambroek in Nijmegen

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Hegdambroek.

More about Hegdambroek

Hegdambroek is a street in the place Nijmegen within the municipality Nijmegen of the province Gelderland. Hegdambroek is 1 of the 1 326 streets in Nijmegen. Hegdambroek knows 25 postcodes of the total 5 129 postcodes that Nijmegen has.

Hegdambroek is located in the neighbourhood 't Broek within the district Wijk 08 Lindenholt. This neighbourhood has a total of 89 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 595 households with 3 845 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Hegdambroek is 024.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Nijmegen
place: Nijmegen
district: Wijk 08 Lindenholt
neighbourhood: 't Broek
postcode number: 6546
area code: 024

Stations and supermarkets Hegdambroek

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Hegdambroek

stations Hegdambroek

Below you see the stations which are near the street Hegdambroek with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Nijmegen Dukenburg Zwanenveld 8401 6538TL 0.94 km
Station Wijchen Stationsplein 2 6602BN 6.81 km
Station Nijmegen Stationsplein 6A 6512AB 7.37 km
Station Nijmegen Lent Griftdijk Noord 42 6663AC 8.73 km
Station Nijmegen Heyendaal Professor Bellefroidstraat 5 6525AG 8.89 km

supermarkets Hegdambroek

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Hegdambroek.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Leuvensbroek 1028 6546XB 0.92 km
Spar St. Agnetenweg 63 6545AT 1.6 km
Albert Heijn Meijhorst 7001 6537EN 2.49 km
Spar Symfoniestraat 178 6544TN 2.83 km
Lidl O.C. Huismanstraat 276 6544ZR 2.94 km
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