What are the postcodes of the district Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron? On this page you will find postcode information about the district Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron in Amersfoort. There are 2 neighbourhoods in the district Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron.
These are all postcode numbers of Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron, see per postcode number the underlying postcodes. In total Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron 1 has postcode number.
These are all neighbourhoods in the district Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron, see the corresponding postcodes and streets for each neighbourhood. Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron has a total of 2 neighbourhoods.
The overview of postcodes and streets in the district Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron
Some postcodes of the district Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron. How many postcodes Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron has? Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron has 44 postcodes. Via the 4-digit postcode number you can find every postcode of the district Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron.
How many streets does Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron have? Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron has 41 streets. Below are a number of streets of the district Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron.
Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron is a district in the place Amersfoort within the municipality Amersfoort of the province Utrecht. The district Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron has 44 postcodes with 41 streets and the district is divided into 2 neighbourhood(s)
Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron counts 875 households with 2 440 inhabitants. The households are consists out of 18% single households, 56% households with children and 26% households without children. Of the inhabitants in Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron, 830 are married, that is 34% of the inhabitants of Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron.
province: | Utrecht |
municipality: | Amersfoort |
place: | Amersfoort |
district: | Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron |
postcode numbers: | 3825, |
area code: | 033 |
The overview of stations and supermarkets in Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron and surroundings.
These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron.
station | street | postcode | distance |
Station Amersfoort Vathorst | Veenweg 4 | 3829MJ | 1.14 km |
Station Amersfoort Schothorst | Zielhorsterweg 65 | 3813ZX | 2.81 km |
Station Amersfoort | Stationsplein 41 | 3818LE | 7.07 km |
Station Nijkerk | Willem-Alexanderplein 16 | 3862CE | 8.68 km |
Station Soest | Stationsweg 18 | 3764CJ | 12.52 km |
These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the district Wijk 30 Vathorst-De Bron.
supermarket | street | postcode | distance |
Jumbo | Ursulapolder 1 | 3825LS | 1.05 km |
Albert Heijn | Buma 1 | 3825ME | 1.11 km |
Boni | Van Tuyllstraat 18 | 3829AD | 1.19 km |
Albert Heijn | Albert Schweitzersingel 92 | 3822BX | 2.63 km |
C1000 | Emiclaerhof 248 | 3823ET | 2.69 km |