Postcode 3526SV in Utrecht

Searching for the streetname with postcode 3526SV? There is one street which uses the postcode 3526SV in Utrecht. 3526SV is a postcode in the place Utrecht within the municipality Utrecht in the province Utrecht. 3526SV has the postcode number 3526 and is located in the neighbourhood Bedrijvengebied Kanaleneiland within the district Wijk 08 Zuidwest.

The postcode 3526SV belongs to the street Aziëlaan and has the following housenumber range: 600 - 646.

Overview Streets postcode 3526SV

There is one street belonging to the postcode 3526SV in Utrecht.

street postcode house numbers
Aziëlaan 3526SV 600 to 646

Postcodes and streets near 3526SV in Utrecht

These are the postcodes and streets in the area of the postcode 3526SV

More about the postcode 3526SV

3526SV is a postcode in the city Utrecht within the municipality Utrecht of the province Utrecht. 3526SV is 1 of the 7 512 postcodes in Utrecht. 3526SV is assigned to 1 street of the total 2 617 streets that is using Utrecht. The postcode 3526SV is linked to the street Aziëlaan and has the house number range 600 - 646.

3526SV is locaed in the neighbourhood Bedrijvengebied Kanaleneiland within the district Wijk 08 Zuidwest. This neighbourhood has a total of 30 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 50 households with 65 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 3526SV is 030.

province: Utrecht
municipality: Utrecht
place: Utrecht
district: Wijk 08 Zuidwest
neighbourhood: Bedrijvengebied Kanaleneiland
postcode number: 3526
area code: 030

Stations and supermarkets 3526SV

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 3526SV.

stations 3526SV

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 3526SV.

station street postcode distance
Station Utrecht Centraal Stationshal 12 3511CE 2.59 km
Station Utrecht Maliebaan Hugo de Grootstraat 16 3581XW 3.68 km
Station Utrecht Lunetten Furkaplateau 101 3524ZH 3.92 km
Station Utrecht Overvecht Tiberdreef 10 3561GG 5.37 km
Station Houten Onderdoor 13 3995DW 7.67 km

supermarkets 3526SV

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 3526SV.

station street postcode distance
Lidl Vasco da Gamalaan 1 3526ER 0.97 km
Albert Heijn 't Goylaan 66 3525AH 1.43 km
Vomar Hammarskjöldhof 54 3527HE 1.56 km
Albert Heijn Hammarskjöldhof 64 3527HE 1.61 km
Albert Heijn Vondellaan 200 3521GZ 1.68 km
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