Postcode Menno van Coehoorngracht in Vlissingen

In search for the postcode of Menno van Coehoorngracht? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Menno van Coehoorngracht in Vlissingen. Menno van Coehoorngracht is a street in the place Vlissingen within the municipality Vlissingen in the province Zeeland. Menno van Coehoorngracht has the postcode number 4383 and is located in the neighbourhood Het Fort e.o. within the district Middengebied.

Overview Postcodes Menno van Coehoorngracht

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Menno van Coehoorngracht in Vlissingen.

postcode street house numbers
4383BR Menno van Coehoorngracht 1 t/m 16
4383BS Menno van Coehoorngracht 17 t/m 40
4383BT Menno van Coehoorngracht 41 t/m 52

More about Menno van Coehoorngracht

Menno van Coehoorngracht is a street in the place Vlissingen within the municipality Vlissingen of the province Zeeland. Menno van Coehoorngracht is 1 of the 479 streets in Vlissingen. Menno van Coehoorngracht knows 3 postcodes of the total 1 122 postcodes that Vlissingen has.

Menno van Coehoorngracht is located in the neighbourhood Het Fort e.o. within the district Middengebied. This neighbourhood has a total of 24 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 325 households with 665 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Menno van Coehoorngracht is 0118.

province: Zeeland
municipality: Vlissingen
place: Vlissingen
district: Middengebied
neighbourhood: Het Fort e.o.
postcode number: 4383
area code: 0118

Stations and supermarkets Menno van Coehoorngracht

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Menno van Coehoorngracht

stations Menno van Coehoorngracht

Below you see the stations which are near the street Menno van Coehoorngracht with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Vlissingen Stationsplein 1 4382NN 3.68 km
Station Vlissingen Souburg Kanaalstraat 3 4388BJ 4.14 km
Station Middelburg Kanaalweg 22 4337PA 7.36 km
Station Arnemuiden Stationsplein 1 4341AT 12.71 km
Station Goes Stationsplein 21 4461HP 36.64 km

supermarkets Menno van Coehoorngracht

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Menno van Coehoorngracht.

supermarket street postcode distance
Lidl Pablo Picassoplein 73 4382KB 0.4 km
Aldi Glacisstraat 22 4381RJ 1.41 km
EMTE Van Hogendorpweg 93 4384HD 1.54 km
Albert Heijn Aagje Dekenstraat 16 4381RZ 1.56 km
Lidl Paauwenburgweg 6377 4384JC 1.68 km
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