Postcode Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat in Spijkenisse

In search for the postcode of Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat? There is one postcode linked to the street Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat in Spijkenisse. Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat is a street in the place Spijkenisse within the municipality Nissewaard in the province Zuid-Holland. Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat has the postcode number 3207 and is located in the neighbourhood Maaswijk-Zuidwest within the district Maaswijk.

Overview Postcodes Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat

There is one postcode belonging to the street Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat in Spijkenisse.

postcode street house numbers
3207GS Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat 1 t/m 25

Postcodes and streets at Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat in Spijkenisse

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat.

More about Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat

Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat is a street in the place Spijkenisse within the municipality Nissewaard of the province Zuid-Holland. Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat is 1 of the 960 streets in Spijkenisse. Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat has 1 postcode of the total 1 327 postcodes that Spijkenisse knows.

Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat is located in the neighbourhood Maaswijk-Zuidwest within the district Maaswijk. This neighbourhood has a total of 34 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 050 households with 2 905 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat is 0181.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Nissewaard
place: Spijkenisse
district: Maaswijk
neighbourhood: Maaswijk-Zuidwest
postcode number: 3207
area code: 0181

Stations and supermarkets Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat

stations Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Vlaardingen Centrum Parallelweg 82 3131DH 8.08 km
Station Vlaardingen Oost van Hogendorplaan 215 3135BP 8.88 km
Station Vlaardingen West Geuzenplein 5 3132AB 9.23 km
Station Schiedam Nieuwland Johan de Wittsingel 321 3119TM 10.61 km
Station Schiedam Centrum Horvathweg 1 3112HB 11.62 km

supermarkets Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Mia van der Wall-Duyvendakstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Lidl Hadewychplaats 6 3207KG 0.79 km
Jumbo Hadewychplaats 32 3207KG 0.79 km
Lidl Vlinderveen 470 3205EM 1.25 km
Jumbo Vlinderveen 436 3205EM 1.26 km
Aldi IJsselstraat 3 3207BR 1.79 km
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